
This challenge has a chain of links. Every page has one valid link among several broken ones (without href attributes). We can write a script to traverse through the chain.

Additionally, the pages require that you include a cookie that describes the path along the solution until that page, lest, else it just says "Booooo!".

import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import got from 'got';

const HOST = '';
const PORT = '';

let path = '/';
let solChain = '';

while (true) {
const res = await got(`http://${HOST}:${PORT}${path}`, {
headers: {
'Cookie': `solChain=${solChain}`,
const {body} = res;
const {document} = (new jsdom.JSDOM(body)).window;
const link = document.querySelector('a[href]');
path = link.href;
solChain += `${path.substring(1)}%20`;

The script errors out when link is null, at which point we can just manually check the last-link for the flag.