
function magic1(uint x, uint n) public pure returns (uint) {
// Something magic
uint m = (1 << n) - 1;
return x & m;

magic1(uint x, uint n) gives us the n least significant bits of x.

function magic2(uint x) public pure returns (uint) {
// Something else magic
uint i = 0;
while ((x >>= 1) > 0) {
i += 1;
return i;

magic2(uint x) gives us the "inverse" of 'count leading zeroes' (I'm not sure what you would call this function).

The assertions in the checker function uniquely specify the flag. We can verify our steps by adding a test function to the contract and running it in the Remix IDE, but I'll skip that here.

modifier checker(bytes16 key) {
require(bytes8(key) == 0x3492800100670155, "Wrong key!");
require(uint64(uint128(key)) == uint32(uint128(key)), "Wrong key!");
require(magic1(uint128(key), 16) == 0x1964, "Wrong key!");
require(magic2(uint64(uint128(key))) == 16, "Wrong key!");

The first assertion tells us the first 8 bytes of the 16-byte key.

key = 0x3492800100670155????????????????

The second assertion tells us that the 64 least significant bits and the 32 least significant bits represent the same number. This gives away some zero bytes.

key = 0x349280010067015500000000????????

The third assertion gives away the two least significant bytes.

key = 0x349280010067015500000000????1964

Finally, the fourth assertion tells us there must be 16 "useful" bits in the 64 least significant bits, which is only possible if:

key = 0x34928001006701550000000000011964

Now, getting the flag is a matter of xor'ing the key and goal.

function getflag(bytes16 key) public view returns (bytes16) {
return bytes16(uint128(key) ^ uint128(goal));

Running that with our key in Remix gives flag = 0x63766374667b73304c31645f7844447d, which we can confirm is the correct solution through the unlock function.

Finally, converting the (big-endian) integer representation to bytes:

In [1]: from pwn import *

In [2]: pack(0x63766374667b73304c31645f7844447d, 'all', endian='big')
Out[2]: b'cvctf{s0L1d_xDD}'